PSC 2620: Woody Trees and ShrubCourse HomeWeek 2

Philadelphus virginalis - Mockorange

Plant Viewer
Detecting Flash
The teeth are very noticeable on this Mock Orange. Notice the flower buds forming in the background. On this Mock Orange, the teeth are barely visible as little nubs on the leaf margin.
A double-blooming blossom of the Mock Orange. The large white blossoms are both showy and very fragrant. The smooth grey stems are highly visible on mature plants as the foliage is held higher on the plant.

Plant Description

Philadelphus virginalis, or Mock Orange, is famous for its strongly fragrant blossoms whose citrus scent is similar to that of orange blossoms. The four-petaled white blossoms are very showy, especially on double-blooming varieties. Best blooming occurs during a two-week period in mid-summer, but irregular blooming will last for several weeks. The leaves are green to dark-green, 2-4 inches long and ovate in shape with very visible veins. Depending on the cultivar, there may be very noticeable teeth on the leaf margins, or only slightly noticeable teeth.

The shrub can grow up to 8 feet high, with a width varying from 5 to 7 feet. The form is upright with a degree of wildness. It can easily become leggy or woody looking if left unpruned, and regular pruning is recommended to promote new growth and better blooming. The ovate, dark-green leaves are 2-3 inches long and arranged oppositely on the stem.

Mock Orange is noted for how easy it is to grow. It tolerates most soil and moisture conditions. It prefers full sun, but performs well in nearly full shade.

Landscape Use

Use larger cultivars of Mock Orange towards the back of shrub borders, while the smaller cultivars can be used near the front. Because of its fragrant blossoms, it is ideal to use near patios or other outdoor spaces, though it is best not used as a visual focal point because of its short period of interest while in bloom.

Points of interest

While you have learned a common hybrid species of Mock Orange, there are many other species in the genus of Philadelphus that are also very popular in the industry.

Notable Cultivars

Miniature Snowflake: A dwarf selection of Mock Orange (2-3 feet tall and wide) with very fragrant double-blooming flowers.

Natchez: A large selection of Mock Orange (8-10 feet tall) that is extremely showy when in bloom. However, the flowers are not fragrant as other cultivars.

Blizzard: This compact cultivar (4-5 feet tall and 3 feet wide) has prolific single white blossoms that are very fragrant. The leaves are smaller and a lighter green than other varieties. (Pictured above in 3d)